Saurabh Namdev Chaudhari

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Solar System

The Sun

  • The Sun is over 4.5 billion years old.
  • The Sun is made from 74.9% Hydrogen;28.3% Helium and 2% of Carbon,Nitrogen,Oxygen,Iron and Neon
  • The surface temprature of the Sun is 5505°C
  • The Sun sums up to 99.86% mass of the entire Solar System.
  • The Sun generate a magnetic field which spreads throughout the solar system

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Solar System

The Earth

  • The Earth is over 4.543 billion years old.
  • The Earth is only planet we have found that contains life
  • There is 1% chance that Earth colliding with other planets
  • If you drilled a tunnel straight through the Earth and jumped in, it would take you exactly 42 minutes and 12 seconds to get to the other side.
  • We can see the Rainbow only on Earth

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Solar System

The Mercury

  • The Mercury is over 4.503 billion years old.
  • Mercury is able to sustain ice at or near the surface due to its axis of rotation keeping polar areas in permanent shadow.
  • The Mercury does not have any moons or rings.
  • Mercury is very close to Sun and hence it is second hottest planet
  • Mercury orbits the sun in only 88 days. That is faster than any other planet

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Solar System

The Mars

  • The Mars is known as "Red Planet".
  • The Mars has frozen water Today.
  • Mars may look warm but it’s very cold. The average temperature is -65°C
  • The Mars has Methane in its atmosphere
  • The atmosphere on Mars is about 100 times thinner than the Earth’s atmosphere, and it has very little oxygen.

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Solar System

The Jupiter

  • Jupiter has the strongest magnetic field of any planet in the solar system.
  • The Jupiter is fastest spinning planet of Solar System.
  • Jupiter is called as "Gas Giant Planet"
  • Jupiter Is The Fastest Spinning Planet In The Solar System
  • The Clouds On Jupiter Are Only 50 km Thick and Jupiter has almost 4 known rings.

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Solar System

The Saturn

  • Saturn has 11 large rings and Saturn’s rings are not solid
  • Saturn is less dense than water thus it can float in Water
  • Saturn is made mostly of gases. It has a lot of helium.
  • Saturn has maximum number of natural Satellites i.e. 82 moons
  • Saturn goes around the Sun very slowly. A year on Saturn is more than 29 Earth years.
  • You cannot stand on Saturn.

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Solar System

The Venus

  • Venus atmosphere could contain life.
  • Venus Spins the Opposite Way from the Other Planets
  • Venus Is So Hot Because of the Greenhouse Effect
  • Venus Is Very Similar to, but Also Very Different from Earth
  • A day on it is longer than a year
  • Venus has 90 times the atmospheric pressure of Earth

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Solar System

The Uranus

  • Uranus is the coldest planet in the Solar System
  • The magnetic field of Uranus is not tied to the center of the planet
  • Uranus' atmosphere is not conducive to life
  • Uranus probably smells like rotten eggs
  • A Season on Uranus lasts one long day-42 years
  • Uranus has rings

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Solar System

The Neptune

  • Neptune Surface Gravity is Almost Earth-like
  • Neptune Probably Captured its Largest Moon, Triton
  • There is really "Diamond Rain" on Uranus and Neptune
  • Neptune was found on the basis of Mathematical Calculations
  • Neptune was visited by only one spacecraft
  • It has lost almost all its satellites

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Solar System

Galileo's Observations of the Moon, Jupiter, Venus and the Sun

Galileo's discoveries about the Moon, Jupiter's moons, Venus, and sunspots supported the idea that the Sun - not the Earth - was the center of the Universe, as was commonly believed at the time. Galileo's work laid the foundation for today's modern space probes and telescopes.

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blog Galileo Galilei Astronomer,Physicist and Engineer
Solar System

Johannes Kepler: Unlocking the Secrets of Planetary Motion

Johannes Kepler was a strong defender and supporter of Copernicus. He modified his theory somewhat to accommodate more modern consideration, making him one of the Scientific Revolution's leading lights during the 16th and 17th centuries. He found out that the planets rotated in elliptic orbits rather than perfect circles, as Copernicus had assumed.

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blog Johannes Kepler Astronomer, Mathematician and Astrologer

I have long had an interest in the future of “Space Exploration” , including both exploration within our own Solar System and the longer term possibility for interstellar space flight. I am convinced that space exploration and development will prove to be of central importance for the future of humanity. In addition to its obvious scientific importance, I think an ambitious human space programme will offer significant social and cultural advantages.

Saurabh Chaudhari

NIT Rourkela,B.Tech